Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Everyone love a good contest and Albanian teens are no different! We have been having a contest in youth group since January. We try to add new ways for the kids to earn points for their team while also encouraging Biblical principles. It has been amazing to see the kids who now attend with their Bibles, do their lessons, attend Sunday services and bring friends. This past week I forgot to assign a verse for the kids to memorize from their lesson. So, when they came this week I was curious who had learned a verse.

When if came time to do points, every teen had chosen a verse to learn from the week's lesson. What surprised me the most was many of the teens learned 3 or 4 verses instead of just one! They all crowded around me to say their verses! One girl, Bruna, memorized 8 verses that week! What a joy to see them participating and going over and beyond the average! Oh, that we all could be Christians that went over and beyond for Christ every day!

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

What a creative way to get the kids to learn!! They probably love it so much. We are praying for all of you!